Prestige Collector’s data collection worksheet

Prestige-Book-cropNo, it doesn’t exist.

At least not yet.

With the invaluable help of Diego S, LJC’s Head of Special Projects Involving Quite Complicated Things, LJC is launching an appeal for information from Prestige collectors about the records they own, in forensic detail. We have reached the limits of blurred photos and descriptions missing essential detail on Ebay, Discogs and Popsike.

To start the ball rolling, we are looking for information on records only on the N.Y.C. label period, PRLP 7001 – 7141. That is where much of the stuff we don’t know about exists. The Bergenfield era is more stable, and less controversial, we may do that later, depending on the response to this appeal.

PrestigeDetectiveAheadTonearmSherlock We have collated the fifteen or so important variables that lead to the classification of original status of Prestige Records in the NYC 7000 series 12″ LPs, in order to build a database that will serve all collectors with the knowledge they need. That includes detail of not only labels and runout stamps, but also important elements of cover design, addresses, even the telltale ads for other titles next to the liner notes.

Prestige Worksheet1

To make the data collection as painless as possible, Diego and I have developed an Excel template with simple pulldown lists. Each variable option is already there, No heavy typing, simply click, and select.

Pull-down menus

Prestige pulldown menu

The template includes a photographic toolkit for easy identification of all the important variables. Not sure which colour yellow your label is? Where do I find the GEM text? How many different ways can you spell Hi Fidelity? What does the “narrow font” look like?The answers are all there prepared for you..

The Collector’s Toolkit

Prestige Identification Toolkit

 What type of Prestige records to include?

Any U.S. record title you have in the range PRLP 7001 – 7141 that is genuine US Prestige, manufactured between 1956 and 1970.  Before1970, not later Fantasy / OJC/ modern audiophile). Include Prestige first and / or later issues, not just 1st pressings. That includes NJ and Blue/Trident. Not overseas, European or Japanese issues, as the detail is not helpful, wonderful though they may be.

The data collection sheet

All you have to do is download the workbook containing the toolkit and data collection sheet and get busy, get reaquinted with  your records again! Click the link below to download the workbook:


When you are done, email the completed file back to me at the address on the worksheet. When we have everyone’s contribution we will compile the results and make them freely available.

The link will also be given a permanent home in the LJC Guide to record labels/Prestige shortly, so it’s not buried by future posts.

LJC-Michael-Caine- Professor Jazz fastshow30I would like to thank you in advance for putting something back into the record collecting community. My thanks also to Diego S for all his hard work on the template. And of course, me.

Professor Jazz
LJC. May 8, 2015


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